Divya is on the left, dressed in dark colors at 8 months. Kaya, wearing traditional black and tan, is on the right and is almost 3 years old. Practically inseparable, these two have created their own mini-pack within our larger family system.
They walk together, play together, eat together, and even chew rawhide together – that is, side by side.
Kaya, a rescued German shepherd, arrived with PTSD. Adopted at 10 months, she would cower if I accidentally stepped on her foot while walking. After a year she was mostly relaxed, but quite docile most all the time. Then Divya arrived.
The little one, at 2 months, wanted to play, play, play. I thought at some point Kaya would tire of Divya’s assaults. But, instead, Divya brought Kaya out of her shell. And the roughhousing was incessant. Tumbling over each other, chasing each other through the house, reversing roles back and forth, they have become a pair.
Is there someone in your life who draws you out? Someone who evokes your joy, playfulness, and wisdom? Perhaps this is the week to spend some time together.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
– Helen Keller