Everywhere I go I meet people who tell me they love my Monday Morning Mojo. Just a few moments ago I met a gentleman here in Kansas City, Missouri, who thanked me – hi, Tim!
I started this newsletter because Monday morning is one of my favorite times of the week. This is precisely because it starts the work week for so many simultaneously. I often heard coworkers grumble, ‘it’s another Monday morning…’ I just wanted to help with a positive jolt. What I love about Monday mornings is that they are full of the potential of accomplishment. The workweek is fresh. Everybody is assembled. The team is on!
Early in my career, I discovered a great gem: one of the most powerful gifts I have is my presence and the quality of my attention. I noticed how an act of kindness, or a genuine smile from anyone I interacted with, lifted my spirit and transformed my mood. That, in turn, carried over to the quality of my work. I resolved to make every interaction kind regardless of how I was treated. I don’t always succeed, but I give it my best. It doesn’t cost anything except a smile and the willingness to see the best in the other person. And at the end of the day, I have a lot of warmth in my heart as a result.
Whom might you delight with some kindness today?
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. ” – Aesop