Sacred Bonds

12 1/2 years ago we had a powerful experience in the (Bahai) Lotus temple here in Delhi, where I am today. It was Gandhi‘s birthday and thousands of people were going inside. We joined them and went in tranches of a couple hundred people to sit and pray inside the temple.

Laura and I had closed our eyes to meditate and when we opened them, we were the only ones inside the temple. The entire tranche had finished yet the guide was waiting patiently because he saw that we were in prayer. We were alone inside the great temple for a moment.

The next day we would go to pick up our adopted daughter, Ruchi, at the orphanage.

This trip the sun is out but the pollution is much more intense than it was last time. Nonetheless, we are visiting this time with our daughter, and it is a very special occasion.

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.”
– Richard Bach

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