If you have been following me, you know that I am leading a Grand Challenge to eliminate the stigma around mental health and substance use disorders. Come and join me this June 24-26 at the first National Summit to End Stigma.
This will be the broadest national convening on stigma, including over 300 mental health and substance use disorder leaders from across the country. The topics will address stigma from many angles, including:
- Lived experience
- Marginalized Communities
- Rural
- Workplace
- Children, Youth & Family
- Policy
- Entertainment Media
- Social Media
- Journalism and News Media
- Research
- National metrics
- and presentations by remarkable people who are leading their own initiatives
I hope you will consider coming to join us. I will be there, and I would love to see you! Scholarships are available for those who face financial hurdles to attending.
“There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business.”
– Vikram Patel