“The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.” – William Gibson, science fiction writer.
During my time at the World Bank, we built 120 communities of practice in fields as disparate as private infrastructure and education. We brought together professionals worldwide to discuss the most significant issues in their sectors, identify opportunities, and find ways to overcome challenges. What I found most exciting about this work was thinking about the future – where was a particular field or discipline going?
If you canvassed all of the leading thinkers of an industry or field, each would provide a unique idea of how the future might look. Bringing each of these ideas together creates a great game plan for building tomorrow today.
Every association has its arms around a profession or trade. Hosting conversations that provide leading innovators the opportunity to share divergent points about the possibilities on the horizon allows the association to grasp where that particular trade or profession is going. The ability to curate these ideas is an association’s number one asset.
Tomorrow will be here in the blink of an eye. How do you create the value your members will need tomorrow, today?