Soul Sustenance

My son, Gabe, came to town for a week after his first year of graduate school at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is pursuing a degree in sociology. We walked and ate lunch alongside the Potomac River near our home. We took my German shepherd, Kaya, and enjoyed the heat, the sand, and the cool waters.

Spending time away from the busyness of modern life, in the woods, alongside the river is a personal treasure. Nothing like being with loved ones and letting Nature in through the lungs, eyes, ears, and skin. I often feel transformed regardless of my personal intentions just being in a natural environment. I feel so fortunate to live close to the C&O Canal and the Potomac and to visit with my son and canine companion.

Do you have an opportunity this week to get the sustenance that keeps you going, soul and body?

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.”
– Robert Frost

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