I know that the word is out that watching cat movies on YouTube is a total waste of time and one of the fruitless occupations of the 21st century. However, I have an application!
Actually, I don’t watch cat movies, but I do watch dog movies – and far be it from me to hold a grudge against those who are feline-inclined. I myself love cats. It’s just that I am obsessed with working dogs. I like to watch shepherds herd sheep, or a trio of border collies push 8 large bulls into a trailer. This is how I unwind. And unwinding is good.
I work a lot as I guess is true for many of my readers. I love my work and I pour myself into it. My challenge is often to unwind, to leave behind the endless task lists, or the obsessing over a coming event. And for that, I turn to these silly videos. They help me to downshift and bring myself back into balance when I am overextended in the mental focus department.
Have a plan for downshifting. Bring yourself back to the mundane as needed, so you can be at your best a little later on. How will you care for yourself in the week ahead?
“I have wandered all my life, and I have also traveled; the difference between the two being this, that we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.”
– Hilaire Belloc