Finding the Miracle

Laura and I found ourselves unexpectedly in Buffalo, New York, last Tuesday. We had to complete some preparations for our India trip. We leave this Tuesday.

It was a day of rising with the sun and then completing a lot of administrative tasks. A good friend asked us if we were going to visit the falls and I said, Probably not,’ thinking our day was spoken for.

Then we ended up with enough time to comfortably make the 25-minute journey and back, so off we went!

It was so inspiring, a massive natural phenomenon. It lifted our spirits and propelled us home. The beauty was awesome!

Is there a natural high that you can add to your week, to lift and inspire you?

“From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other.”
– Arthur Conan Doyle

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